I'm like Baldric, not bothered about SF leaving, but can't stand ST. Tried twice to watch 15 - 1 then gave up because she talks too fast and mostly through her nose.
At Ieast she wiII be hidden behind a desk - I cringe every time I see her trying to Iook comfortabIe in her sensibIe shoes, dad's trousers and man jackets on 15 - 1. She never seems to know what to do with her arms.
When I first heard that Fry was leaving I couldn't think of someone who could replace him. Then I heard Sandi was going to take over and felt it would all be ok.
Regarding 15 to 1, she took over a dead duck there. I used to love that show (in my memory), but I've seen a few old episodes on the Challenge channel recently, and they were as dull as ditchwater. Not a lot she could do with that.
I haven't seen the first episode of the new series yet. I've got it recorded and am looking forward to it, but TBH I can't see it going on much further, based on the last series. The use of each letter in the alphabet to provide the theme was meant to ensure the show lasted at least 26 years, according to John Lloyd, the inventor, but the questions seem to have nothing to do with either the letter or theme.
I still love it though.