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Does Anyone Actually Watch Jeremy Kyle?

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ToraToraTora | 10:55 Sat 12th Mar 2016 | Film, Media & TV
65 Answers
what an unadulterated disgusting awful depressing pile of cack. I switched on the TV and it just happened to be on there. The terror of the next 30 seconds was immense until I found the remote. I cannot comprehend how I would voluntarily endure.


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really when you have brought up a child as your own for 14 years? think again sqad. Crikey I am often accused of being the heartless one, I have learnt a lot on this thread.
It's no different to Long Lost Family which is acceptable viewing, just handled differently. Brutal? LOL
I know, TTT. They are given the free booze in order to make them more aggressive and provide "better" tv. I do think they feel they're getting a good weekend away when they sign up. Lots of people want to do it. Unless or until they find out that their partner isn't actually the father of their child, or whatever.
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cobblers you enjoy having some poor wretch humiliated on prime time TV, end of. notes taken.

Good laugh, in small doses.
Calm down TTT or we'll have to call for Steve
I used to watch Jerry Springer when he did a similar show. - why did I? - but he comes across as a decent man. Kyle is like a man encouraging bears to dance on hot plates.
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ummm, "yep" to what? you enjoy torture on TV? gawd I'm learning who the bad people are today! Normally I'm the one who's heartless, I'm going to promote myself!
I agree with what Prudie said at 11.10.

It Is, totally alien to my world. I switch it on when I'm having my cup of tea when I get up. It beats, Homes Under The Hammer, any day. :)
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well i another life Kyle himself would be on the show, he's an ex alcoholic/gamblerholic, complete rectum himself.
" you enjoy having some poor wretch humiliated on prime time TV,"

^^^and his wife has just left him........;-)
He had a gambling addiction not, an alcohol addiction.
A major point being ignored is all those who go on the show go on the show because they want to. They are not being forced into wretched humiliation.
I switched on the TV and it just happened to be on there.


You ain't half managed to glean lots of information about the program in that 30 secs TTT
" gamblerholic"" ? Is this a new word ?
Yep to I watch it.....but tend to over when they start shouting.
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I had no idea how many people on here enjoy cruelty to animals. I have saved a link to this thread for use in future discussions.
I mute the tv and put the subtitles on when the shouting starts.
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yes talbot, actually it took about 5 seconds the rest was finding the remote.

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