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Batman V Superman?

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ToraToraTora | 16:11 Thu 17th Mar 2016 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers
No contest surely?


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superman would just need to grab batman, fly into outer space and leave him there
Batman... proving at money is the ultimate 'super power'
but Batman being acquainted with Superman would secrete green kryptonite about his person
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yeah but superman could fry him with his heat vision from 50 yds away!
Superman wins on account of Batman having to repeatedly deal with Joker,Ridler,Penguin,etc etc.

No contest, Batman wins. He has the best car.
divebuddy @ 17;14. "It's amazing what's in the old Bat Utility Belt." Reminds me of the time, a million or so years ago, when i was watching a Batman feature in the local 'fleapit' on the regular Sat morning matinee programme. Batman was on a rope ladder dangling from a helicopter which was flying over some ocean or other. Attached to one of his legs was a not-so-ferocious (obviously rubber) shark. Batman looks up to Robin who is in the chopper and says, "Robin! Pass me the shark repellent." PMSL then.....and even now when i think back.
Pass me the shark repellent bat spray !
Ta for that, tonyav, priceless. Sides are killing me.
Your welcome, Ken. Gotta be the best Batman scene ever lol.
Score draw!
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Seconds away. Round one. Ding ding!

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Batman V Superman?

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