He played a straight,convincing character in Full Throttle about the Bentley Boys. I didn't associate him with Mr Bean or Black Adder then but I was probably drooling over the cars too much to notice. I believe he could pull of a convincing Maigret. I will just have to block off Rupert Davies in my mind. :-)
Yes, I shall have no problem. I only watched Mr. Bean once and gave up after 5 mins., so I see him as an actor. I think he might be rather good and Maigret is not a character to whomI have ever warmed. I'll give it an honest go.
I recall that Les Dawson tried some straight acting, not long before he died and I thought he was very good. Max Wall could be a good straight actor as well.
No I dont think so.! I cannot see him as anything as serious as Maigret .!! Having just rememebering that series... just about .. he just isnt right for the part.