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Another Little Gem On Bbc4...

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janzman | 10:53 Tue 14th Jun 2016 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
...John Lobb shoes, a documentary about this centuries old Royal Warrent boot and shoe maker. Fascinating, did anyone else see it, if not its on the iplayer.


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I have just downloaded it, thanks for that.
Sounds cobblers.
Come to Northampton. We have a shoe museum and our football team is called The Cobblers...
Sorry, did I put my foot in it ?
Fascinating insight into the world of hand-made shoes, but at £4000 they are a tad too expensive for me, then again, if I get the 6 numbers up on the Lotto...........!
My wife and I watched it and were fascinated to see that there still exist trades and outlets where craftsmanship alone...rather than speed or mass the watchword. Sadly, that is the very reason why we'll never be able to afford the product!
Yes, it was interesting. For some reason, I kept thinking what an awful place for a fire to break out. As they don't seem to have had one in hundreds of years, I don't know why.

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