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Movie title anyone?

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Lan | 09:04 Fri 07th Oct 2005 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers

Hello I'm a long time reader, first time poster. My first question is does anybody know of a film which I think is a similar kind of film to The Pianist but theres two main characters, a man and a young boy (about 8 or 9ish) and the man helps the boy survive by pretending that everything thats going on is a game that their both playing? I saw it on Channel 4's 100 greatest films but forgot the title. Any help would be appreciated.



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This is La Vita e Bella or Life is Beautiful, 1997

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Found it, it's called Life is Beautiful by Roberto Benigni

This Oscar-winning comedy plays the Holocaust for laughs, with a father making a joke out of a concentration camp, to his shield his young son from the terrible truth

Roberto Benigni's Life Is Beautiful was loved by audiences and awards juries alike when it was first released, and had a wide-ranging appeal. All this belied its controversial treatment of a subject matter verging on the taboo: this film dared to treat the Holocaust as a subject for comedy.

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Thank you!! Have you watched it before?
I think the answer is 'Life is beautiful'.  I haven't seen it but a friend loved it so much she went into great detail about it.  Think it is directed by Roberto Begnini

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Movie title anyone?

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