Doctors Today. in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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netibiza | 14:41 Tue 20th Sep 2016 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Who played the doctors Pickering? Make and female, I recognised them but the credits went up so quickly I didn't stand a chance of reading the.
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William Gaunt and Deborah Grant
Oh - Tommy and Clarissa Thomas, I was looking for people called Pickering.

Well done Margo.
Mamya - I watched it as I was eating my lunch. Pickering was the name of a character in the book they were promoting, hence the confusion x
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Gosh so it was. I would never have guessed. Mr. N and I thank you. Was driving us mad.
You're welcome netibiza. What is the secret Rhuma is hiding and will she ever tell her children.....
Could you not freeze the credits as they roll, neti? That's what I do. Just mentioning it as an option for the future.
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No idea Chrissa, it was a 2 hrs old tv so haven't learned what is what at the moment.

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