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London Ambulance

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bobbie22 | 21:05 Tue 27th Sep 2016 | Film, Media & TV
25 Answers
What a wonderful and moving programme. My total respect for all ambulance Paramedics everywhere. The second of three programmes is on next week.


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I agree, that Advanced Paramedic was a real hero. Can't wait for next week.
The tattooed senior ambulance guy was very cute Bobbie, ha! ;0)
^ That's who I meant Eddie.
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Elina, totally agree with you.
I thought they did very well

burns used to scare the crap out of me .....
He was totally in control wasn't he.
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Really well educated in emergency medicine
Could anyone here cut down someone who'd hanged themself?
When they finish on a traumatic and upsetting event they are immediately sent rushing off to another one. Respect to them.
Yes, Elina, I believe I could and would.
Hopkins, bit late for you ..... ;0)
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I worked in the NHS all my life, and I always thought that ambulance staff were wonderful.
Sorry Hopkirk! ... I'd struggle with that, but if forced.
Why does autocorrect always make me Hopkins?
Ha! Actually, not sure I could do it at all.
Bobbie, different times now, they really do have their work cut out.
Did that advanced paramedic have a bit of a look of Ian Dury :0? The eyes, no?
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Yes, Elina, I know that times are different, and that Ambulance staff have a tough time, and do an excellent job. I was not saying any different.
No I know you wasn't Bobbie x
Empathy on my part Bobbie that's all x

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