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The Missing - Spoliers

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rockyracoon | 15:53 Sun 20th Nov 2016 | Film, Media & TV
51 Answers
Tilly. Who do you think it is?


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They will be looking for him when they've investigated the cellar at the previous house.

Mr T keeps harping on about why no one is looking for the missing German policeman. Will he be found in the cellar?
The policemans body was left dumped in the boot of his own car parked in a multi-storey. Was there not a mention somewhere of a toy monkey in Alices past and is this why the focus on the toy.
Yes, when Alice (Sophie) arrived back home, she took a toy monkey into her brother's bedroom and they talked about playing with it when they were younger.

I don't remember the car park bit. I must pay more attention!
So if the policemans body is not in the cellar what is?
Read anything new at lunch when I return.
I'm off as well. Housework calls.
With us knowing whodunnit and where then there has to be a big surprise waiting to emerge at which point we all say "Of course"
Still something not right about Eve, she knows more than she has let on I think.
Not a clue about the cellar, think the third girl must have been the body in the shed, so maybe it is empty - but then why still locked?
I think Eve is genuine as for the cellar being empty we don't know that he stopped at three girls. I find it strange that the abductor/press officer could exert enough control over Eves dad ( he made the first girl identify the wrong man) . One would assume any criminality committed whilst the press officer/ abductor would be difficult to prove unless there is something recent.
I refer to pressofficer/abductor as such as I cannot remember his name.
Should have said " whilst press officer/abductor was being rescued".
I do wish one could edit ones postings.
Adam (I think) Gettrick is the press officer. I assume the hold he has is the killing of the girl in the gulf we saw this week, also the reason for the framing of Herz husband for the abduction. That said, Eve's dad knew Sophie when she returned and she said he should be ashamed of what he did. So how does he know her? That's why I think there is more to it with Eve also.
i haven't seen this weeks yet but i think when its all over i might sit down and watch them all again to try to figure it all out, i'm sure i'm missing loads as i'm getting so confused trying to keep track of everthing
It has been difficult to follow and you really need to pay attention! I think I missed a few bits while pottering about with the TV on ......
i've recording it to watch on a weekend as im falling asleep when its on, but i have a very short attention span....

it is very clever though
I've still got them all so I may look at them again to see what clues were there earlier on. I can't see why he's kept Alice alive, it serves no purpose. Did the child, Lucy, call Sophie Mummy?
I don't think there would be any proof of the girls murder in the gulf, too long ago. This is why I think Eves dad has had something to do with the recent abductions and thus could be compelled into framing Hertz. I still can't see anything to persuade me about Eve.
Zebo, yes the child called Sophie mummy.
//I don't think there would be any proof of the girls murder in the gulf//

I thought the other guy Henry? was killed because he was going to talk about that. There was proof of him sending money and the witness in Iraq.

There is just something odd about Eve, I think it's possible she was one of the abused girls or similar, the way her dad said to her about 'you've had enough fresh air for now' was weird. Maybe a red herring I suppose.

zebo - yes but she also said her drawing was of her and mummy in the basement - so did she mean Alice that time?

I imagine he kept them all like he has Alice, but Sophie has pretended to accept it and not fought it, to protect the child I think, and hopefully enable them both to escape.
Did you watch the original series which was excellent. When Juliens wife was talking to him in the police station she said" You are getting obsessed as badly as Tony Hughes, who was the father in the original. I thought it a nice touch of continuity.
I've just skimmed through episode 1, Alice had a tattoo on her wrist when she was talking to her brother at the school and the girl who returned had the same type of tattoo so someone has planned her return very carefully.
Yes I did, sand enjoyed the reference this week. I think this series is better though. Hope Julien makes it to a third!

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