I apologize, it would seem that my initial post was botched by the site. Allow me to try again:
There is a sound I've been trying to see if I could download or buy that I have heard recurring in several different media. The sound has been used as a channeling magic sound in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, a device sound in Halo (https://www. youtube. com/watch?v= 7riaHnkeVso), and an atom noise in a documentary (https://www. youtube. com/watch?v= Ez1aDzwllT4 at 7:31).
I've been trying to look for ways to find out which sound libraries certain companies use, but google doesn't like it when you're too specific.
Another sound I was looking for was also used in MLP and in Star Trek (https://www. youtube. com/watch?v= kdIxSdhsUgs at 2:23 and
http://www.mediacollege.com/downloads/sound-effects/star-trek/tos/ computer noise 4) I realize the last sound may seem debatable, but I recall seeing a video (which appears to have been taken off of youtube) that had a clip from a Star Trek film/episode where Kirk said "Energizing" before pushing a lever and the sound played. In that instance, the sound was practically identical, save for the fact it was slower.
Other vids on youtube with the sound:
https://www. youtube. com/watch?v= 4ctChAvM0RM&list=PLN-ipmLFTJWIlbhjUTa-KJBRx0sBCeDR_&index=15 at 0:25
https://www. youtube. com/watch?v= IBDBf6RSu5s&list=PLN-ipmLFTJWIlbhjUTa-KJBRx0sBCeDR_&index=16 at beginning
Essentially, I'm looking for the specific libraries used (so I can download or buy) or at least some way to find which libraries certain companies use/have license to.