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mallyh | 09:45 Tue 03rd Jan 2017 | Film, Media & TV
39 Answers
the question was name a country ending in two consonants ...girl said paris ,and I'm sure I heard her say she did a level geography .


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Yes you did
Her mate did not look very happy.

Ah, Paris, such a lovely Country.
I missed it last night. I'm glad I did.
Lol her mate was livid - if looks could kill.

Mind you I thought the mother shot her son some death glares when he mucked up a round later!
Question Author
yes I said to oh about her evil stare at her son x
Lots of daft answers last night then?

Sometimes, I wonder how Alexander and Richard don't fall about laughing.
Lol it was funny though - the 2 young girls - hubby was laughing as everytime he looked up at the tv from his book - she was glaring at her mate!!
Are they on again tonight? Were they a new pair?
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no they are off .x
Thanks, Mallyh.
I think they are on I Player, tilly.
I won't bother with that, thank you, Donny. There's bound to be another daft pair on later.

As they all seem to be repeats, I've probably seen them anyway.

Might just have a quick look to refresh my memory.
I do feel sorry for people who are caught in the glare of the studio lights, and just go blank - and produce answers which everyone at home knows are ludicrous.

I can imagine it happening to me, because plenty of times on quiz shows, I know the answer, but simply cannot bring it to the front of my mind, and out of my mouth, in good time.

Alternately, watching the Celebrity version over the holidays, I was busy informing the present Mrs Hughes at some volume and with commensurate smugness, that the rap band the contestant was looking for was NWA, only to be corrected by the wonderful Stuart Maconie, who has forgotten more about popular music than I will ever know, confirming that the group was actually Public Enemy.

The embarrassment of the lady contestant was drowned out for me by the shrieking laughter of my wonderful wife who enjoys seeing my excess ego punctured from time to time, as she rightly should.
Scroll down and play the second video clip (the first one is too quiet)
I liked one where there were six uh-erz for a category
[no one got a right ansewr]
Thanks, Sunny Dave. She was so nervous wasn't she? Poor thing.
I dunno

In university cack-up - one side who I cant remember sat on the other side whom I also cant remember

the winners had a geographer who knew things like the most northern province of Sarth Efrica ( I thought Transvaal but it is ... )
sudduv easy if you are reading Jog.

i cant think of anyexcept three home nations
Without thinking too long (because that's not fair) Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Egypt, Germany ...

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