Anyone else fed up with her storylines. How long is she going to get away with murder and all her other crimes. What happened to the camera of her manipulating Ashley?
The script writers have obviously lost the plot, we are all completely fed up with the woman.
Hopefully there will be a huge exposure of all her sins when the camera resurfaces,perhaps as a result of Ashley's move.
At the moment we are having to suffer her wet weekend of a son.
The scriptwriters always get the blame, wrongly....nothing to do with them. It's the "storyliners" who do the plotting and sometimes lose it completely.
Me, personally I'd like to wring her neck! Somebody please find that camera and expose her for what she is. As for storyline about Fin - wet weekend just about sums him up.
I thought the camera was going to be found when Ashley moved....should have realised they need to drag these things on to the point where I want to switch off.
It is, becoming a bit tedious. I guessed it was her. How are they going to realise All, the things she has done though? She's been really bad, so many times!
Yes I guesseed too, and with the stuff they already know about her why do they not straight away go......erm, was it you?
She got away with all that at the pub when Chas developed PTSD as well didn;t she?
She tried to kill her son, threw her ex over a bridge having drugged him, where did she get the drugs? She throws sickies all the time, What doctors would employ her apart from a soap doctor.
Also ages ago she wanted revenge on Debbie for something so she altered Sarah's test results and said the cancer was back. She got away with that completely.
horselady I'd completely forgotten about that with Sarah, oooh she is horrible.
ivor I just read something about that but not till next autumn -tooo long!!
far too long ! and finns getting on our nerves too, i remember Gillian Kearney in brookside,playing damon grants girlfriend,she hasn't changed in looks that much