I'd somehow missed this movie in the past, we watched it the other night, - great film! if you haven't seen it Repeated tonight (13th March) suggest you watch or record it; Film 4 , 10:50 - 1:40 am.
The acting between Den.Washington and the young girl is marvellous.
And those bad Mexican hombres - oh my! Donald is right about building a wall.
Ark. //I agree a great film Dakota Fanning is the young actress in it.//
She was wonderful, it was if she wasn't acting at all, it all seemed to be real to her.
What happened to her, do you know if she is still acting?
Good point Khando... I didn't read through it. It was her film/televisiion biog I was showing... quite taken aback myself how many things she's done though.
Khandro, thank you. I had no idea this was on. Fantastic film. Will record and watch Saturday night with a glass of wine and sob my heart out at the end.