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Dab Radio

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Aeolus | 13:15 Wed 14th Jun 2017 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Does anyone have a list of DAB Ensembles and Channels or can anyone point me to such?
Would like to set up Car Radio to suite me & mine and avoid a lot of hit and miss searching.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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A DAB radio usually has a station search facility with preset buttons.
You will also find the stations available vary from location to location, although national stations like BBC Radio 2 remain.
e.g. BBC Radio Merseyside can't be accessed in Essex.
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OK, I'm sorted. Seems you search for an ensemble and then for the programmes within it. Very hit and miss unless you want to listen to the verbal diarrhoea that passes for music these days; especially on local stations. Answer was find ensembles that have "national" in their name and pick suitable stations from various length lists. How difficult can it be to have a list of programmes, within ensembles within channel numbers?
Another case of "Take what I give you not what you really want"

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