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Bbc2 Comedy Series (7,4)

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keithgstreet | 21:02 Thu 30th Nov 2017 | Film, Media & TV
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Have you found the 11 letters that form the anagram?
Second word is CROW I recall
Upstart Crow.
I'm wondering whether ther eis a problem with AB on your browser as you don't seem to get a question box, just a title box, when you ask questions
Upstart Crow
That's the one I was thinking of. Doesn't contain a D though ;)
I'm obviously missing something - D?
Yes I do, ff. However this op doesn't have any letters placed.
My post at 21:06 was intended to follow yours at 21:05, tony and was supposed to include a wink
Ah, I see ff.

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Bbc2 Comedy Series (7,4)

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