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Through The Keyhole

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DarceyK123 | 22:05 Sat 20th Jan 2018 | Film, Media & TV
77 Answers
I used to really enjoy Through the Keyhole but I'm seriously thinking of giving it a miss.

Keith Lemmon is sooo stupid, the stunts are just not funny or necessary.

What was all this being sick all over the house this week?? Disgusting.

Shame, I really used to enjoy it, think I'll turn it over till they get a new presenter.


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Keith Lemon is a character...not a real person!! Lighten up people.
We know ( well I do ), ummmm.
He's still crap though.
I've not watched the programme for decades, I prefer property programmes.

I don't like the character but I know many do.
Rather spend an hour with George Clarke :-)
So would Mrs av, Mamya :-(
We do know that, Ummmm.....but if you prefer......I find the character stomach churning and far from funny...x
^^^^ ditto
A lady of good taste Tony.
George Clarke is rather yummy...
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Ummm, do you really think him pretending to puke up over Caprice's house is funny?
I cant stand Keith Lemon, He is crude and vile and totally ruins the programme . , and as for being sick all round Caprices house, well words fail me, how did he think people would find that funny?
I like Leigh Francis and his many characters and Keith Lemon being his most famous one. I don't mind a bit of crude humour :o)

I didn't see last night show but recorded it so will watch later.
The puking was gross ! Not funny
Even if it was made up sick he still did it over a keyboard and other places in the house .Still came out of his mouth. It is always the same with him no respect for peoples property . Like others I record the programme just to see the homes of other folks. But it is not a nice programme anymore.
Yes, and what about the brown on the back of his trousers and him saying he hadnt pooped himself? Gross! That was another of his gags that just wasnt funny.Its overdue for them to get a new presenter then everyone can start enjoying the programme again like we used to.
No likey, no watchey. Simples.
That's it Zacs. I don't know why people watch programmes that seems to get them het up.

There's plenty of people on TV that I'm not keen on so I turn over. I don't view it for long enough to come to the conclusion that they are vile.
Well if that is entertainment they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. I will never watch that programme again until they get a new presenter and I know Im not the only person that has that view. on here.
That's what many of us are doing, Zacs.......not watching a programme we enjoyed because of a dreadful presenter.......x
Ah well, the times they are a changin as someone once sang. I think his Keef Lemon character is very funny. He does push the boundaries of taste somewhat but on a commercial channel, the ‘sponsors’ would have to be happy and as it’s about the 5th series, I guess they are.

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