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Extreme Cake Makers

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DarceyK123 | 22:17 Tue 13th Feb 2018 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
I love this show, such beautiful cakes and very talented people.

But yesterday when the customer cut the little boys birthday cake she just gave it out to the children in their hands!

No plates, not even paper ones, yuk.


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Plates for cake? Never! What's the point?

If I buy a cake from the supermarket I open the packet, cut a great big slice from it and shove it in my gob. Why on earth would I need a plate?
Chris might be like me, I would have to find the kitchen first, the locate a clean knife and get a sheet or two of kitchen roll. :-)
I recall taking a cake into school when it was my birthday, I took plates, proper ones, and cake forks! The confusion it caused.
If there's an age to eat cake straight from your hands, it's childhood.
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Well I've never seen cake distributed without at least paper plates, especially if they are children, cos we all know they are going to drop it and squash it in the carpet

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Extreme Cake Makers

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