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Coronation Street - Abi

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DarceyK123 | 10:08 Thu 09th Aug 2018 | Film, Media & TV
18 Answers
I wish Abi would wash her hair!

It really annoys me, I could understand it when she was a druggie and living in squalor but she's clean now, has somewhere half decent to live, friends and a job.

So please, Corrie let her wash that blerdy greasy hair!


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Haha! I said the same last night and I always think it about Charity in Emmerdale, lank greasy looking hair. Silly things that annoy us. Lol!!
I agree and I really can't stand the character. She went mad with Steve for saying what a bad mum she is, but she IS a bad mum!! And what was that ruddy kiss at the end??
The kiss is understandable - somebody being kind and sympathetic when she's feeling so low. Probably a rarity for her.
/// And what was that ruddy kiss at the end?? ///

The start of another story line.
But could it be the first of many, i wonder.
I am also wondering if someone will find the packet of heroin in Steve's pocket
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FF - I wondered that too, I watched to see where he put it, not in the bin in the kids play area.
Sorry, not understandable to me hc !

You're right of course aog (lol).
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Horselady - yes Charity needs a Good haircut! The sheepdog look went out years ago.
Rebecca in Emmerdale should definitely wash her hair.

Oh, wait a minute - she's been chained up in a 'deserted' shack for about three weeks with almost no food, and where she's been relieving herself, I have no idea. But still wearing that loose yellow shirt.
Oh, and there's another shack in the same woods that Zak sits around outside! Who knew?
Daft story line gg. Are the writers asking us to believe that she had lost so much weight that she was able to wriggle out of the chain?
I wish Corrie would just wash Abi out of their hair!!
yes me too Darcey. And i wish they would get a proper hairdresser in Emmerdale as well, Debbie's hair is a right mess
And in real life, Abi is Tim's wife!!!!!
^ Really ?
How is it possible for Johnny and Jenny Connor to buy the pub, get a license and move in start selling alcohol within a couple of days? Surely they would have to bet vetted erected etc
^^^^ her hair isn't greasy now!!! I can't stand all that black eye liner.
Snog in the kiddies play area which suddenly arrived from nowhere, she will be preggers next with another of Steve's rampant appetite for women under 50 with a pulse.

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Coronation Street - Abi

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