Get real, she was trying to win a reality tv show. Probably thought that she would get rid of one of her main rivals by making those accusations. Personally don't believe it will finish her career though she may find some parts harder to come by in the future.
by making serious allegations of violence that the whole world could see was a lie ? nah..that was beyond gamesmanship... I heard on the radio this morning that all her current bookings are under threat and that her planned pantomime season is "under review" she could have destroyed Ryan's career and life... such women..usually pretty ones too...are a disgrace to the fair sex and she deserves all the enmity coming her way...
he has had a few problems in the past and he was clearly shaken by the allegations..If I were him I'd tell her to shove her apologies and consider defamation action...
She has committed career suicide and judging by reactions from former colleagues and others she has had encounters with, she needs to rethink her whole persona, although I think it will be a case of too little, too late.
She will probably get a few tabloid and mag deals at best.
Yeah but then what anne? Difficult people get binned, however talented they are these days, there's no reason to work with awkward or horrible people because there is such a wealth of talent that isn't to choose from. Even A listers get binned if they are to stroppy, so something like this from frankly someone who is already C or D list at best will in the long term just kill her career stone dead imho. At least I hope so.