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maggiebee | 11:18 Fri 14th Sep 2018 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Is anyone watching this programme? Have watched a couple of the trailers and it looks as if it might be good - would have to watch on catch up but would like some comments from anyone who is watching it before I do.


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We're enjoying it Maggiebee. Interesting to see what goes on in this industry. Also love the main male actor too. ( He was in Mad Dogs, for anyone who's interested!)
Couldn't recall his name earlier. Ben Chaplin....
I remember him more for Apple Tree Yard. First 2 episodes quite good but i just hope that he and Charlotte Riley (Peaky Blinders) don't get 'together'. It would be so predictable (and boring) and would probably put me off watching further.
Oh yes. Apple Tree Yard! Shouldve remembered that! :-)
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Ah yes, Apple Tree Yard - wondered where I had seen him before. Thanks Ken. Think I'll give it a go.

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