" "never have liked it"....just what is the point of posting that comment on this thread?"
The point of posting it is that the questioner assumes that everybody is enthralled with the dross that passes for Saturday night telly. It ain't necessarily so! I rarely stay in on a Saturday night (this week being an exception because I have an engagement tomorrow at a friend's mother's 94th birthday celebration). The main reason for that is that it is probably the best night to go out because Saturday is the night when the standard of entertainment on the TV (mediocre in general) is at its lowest. "Strictly" is an example of people providing "entertainment" by trying to do things that they are not competent to do. Other examples are "The X Factor" and "Britain's Got Talent" (BGT - or more usually, if that programme is anything to go by, BGNT).
I have caught sight of odd snippets of these programmes (probably the worst examples being Ed Balls and Ann Widdecombe demonstrating that they cannot dance). If I want to see people trying (and abysmally failing) to do what professionals spend years perfecting I can go to my local pub on Karaoke night (and I don't). To suggest I should time my dinner to accommodate them is just plain daft. But those who do have my admiration..
Oh New Judge, I have great respect for you, but, sorry, Strictly is an institution that cannot be tampered with.
Team Stacey here but possible competition.
Yes, agreed that your post does not portray an assumption that everyone is like-minded, so apologies, ethandron. However, many of the resultant replies seem to support my contention.