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chessington | 18:51 Tue 19th Feb 2019 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
I tried to record "Warren" which starts Monday next week, we have virgin media, it wont let me record it but lets me record Corrie which is on before it??? anyone understand this? TIA


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What time is it on? I don't know with virgin, but with Sky, you can't set it for more than a week ahead. I would try again a little later.
I can’t see anything called Warren on next Monday (assuming it’s on ITV as you refer to Corrie) on my Virgin box
Ah right. Found it and both my old and new Tivos on Virgin will allow me to programme it to record.
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thanks, It recorded in the end, must of been a blip with virgin (get loads of them grrr).
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