Quizzes & Puzzles3 mins ago
Line Of Duty New Series
54 Answers
From AC12 to PC12 - typical BBC. Also a tediously difficult storyline. What did you think?
Your man's going to turn out bad, Mark my words. No Nornirelande r EVER put money behind any bar. In conclusion, Insp Kate had great eyes.
00:33 Mon 01st Apr 2019
here is a real report from real life
https:/ /www.me t.polic e.uk/Sy sSiteAs sets/fo i-media /metrop olitan- police/ priorit ies_and _how_we _are_do ing/cor porate/ operati on-hern e---rep ort-2-a llegati ons-of- peter-f rancis- operati on-trin ity
lots of acronyms
but read between the lines
and your eyes will pop out as to what the lads were getting up to on police pay and duty !
here is a real report from real life
lots of acronyms
but read between the lines
and your eyes will pop out as to what the lads were getting up to on police pay and duty !
This sums it up perfectly! https:/ /www.th esun.co .uk/new s/87685 23/line -of-dut y-serie s-five- masterp iece-al ly-ross /
I thought it was brilliant. Well worth waiting for. It is going to be a great series.
BBC have put out some terrible dramas of late such as Bodyguard (I know lots of people liked it but I couldn't stop laughing at it!) so I was hoping that they hadnt killed Line of Duty and I was happy to see that they hadnt
BBC have put out some terrible dramas of late such as Bodyguard (I know lots of people liked it but I couldn't stop laughing at it!) so I was hoping that they hadnt killed Line of Duty and I was happy to see that they hadnt
Just listened to an interview of Simon Heath, Exec Producer of the show, in which he revealed that expert police advice has been taken throughout the entire production on all matters - including the armed robbery on Sunday evening. One of Jed Mercurio's friends is a serving Inspector and he has advised on many of the shows so far. Just saying.
I just think the remote possibility of an undercover police officer, plotting to murder other police officers, then actually carrying it out, doesn't make sense. Especially when the Met wanted to protect his ID in the wake of the shootings. Which implies his "handler/s" in the Met are in it with him. Ipso Fatso!