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Qt: What Went Wrong?

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vetuste_ennemi | 23:39 Thu 30th May 2019 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Just started watching this and find that not only the honest Canadian intellectual Steven Pinker is on the panel, but we have a spokeswoman for Brexit counterbalancing the the two woke Remainers and the faux Leaver.

Shurely shome mishtake.


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Steven Pinker's talents wasted on the audience, the panel and the chair.

Pearls before swine.
They are desperately trying to prove they are not bias. That and the fact the Brexit party got a good showing last week and perhaps they realise they at least need to pretend to be on side.
Gnome v-e? I must have a look at qt. gave up on their pretence of impartiality yonks ago.
It's the audience that is the problem in my opinion. I know they go to great lengths to try to find a balanced audience but there are large groups who know how to play the system and seem to get in. All the whooping and histrionics are so predictable now.
But maybe the BBC can't win- either they are acccused of being biased or when they are not they are said to be "desperately trying to prove they are not bias(ed)"
I applied last year and as a white married lady of a certain age. I was told I did not fit into their criteria!
All the want is for the panel to give honest, truthful answers, and then surely its up to the viewer to make up their mind. I could care less if there is an imbalance of Brexit or Remain or Monster Raving Loony Party supporters

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