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Beat The Chef

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Maggoty | 11:40 Wed 05th Jun 2019 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Only watched a few episodes so far but in what time frame is it filmed. Only asking as Andi Oliver has a lovely red outfit on in all episodes so far. So is it over a day. ? Cheers x


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Never heard of this show, but it sometimes winds me up when shows record several episodes each day but insist everybody gets changed in between. It would make more sense to me to wear the same clothes, as seems to be what you describe.
Very often presenters (and participants) in such shows are asked NOT to change outfits....because it makes it much easier to re-record things days later, if originally they went wrong....The Great British Bake-off being a good example.
Yes, she's been wearing that outfit for two weeks now!
I think she wears the same thing because not each contestant is on for the same amount of time so they must have to edit it and jiggle things about to get it to fit the 30 minute running length.
What do they beat the chef with ?
Is this an S&M programme ? Or should that be M&S ?

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