Do you prefer Strictly Come Dancing having trained experienced dancers like Kelvin and Karim, or untrained novices like Mike Bushell and Anneka Rice, or a mixture of the two? Personally I prefer novices making a journey, and I don't see the point in getting already excellent dancers who hardly have room for improvement from the outset. Bit like getting Lewis Hamilton to take part in a celeb go-kart race
On the BBC website, the celebrity profiles make it clear that Emma has been in both Chicago and Thoroughly Modern Millie, and that Karim was in Lion King and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as a child.Kelvin does not appear to have had previous dancing experience
I miss the days when the likes of genuine non-dancers such as Darren Gough and Chris Hollins went all the way to win the show. I found that far more entertaining than watching Kelvin, Ore, Faye, Ashley, Jay, etc just show off their well-honed dance skills from the outset
i remember watching Darren Gough and wondered how this brawny non dancer is going to cope and he did and won the show, like the marvellous Mark Ramprakash