I'm not a consistant viewer of 'The Bill' but I would conclude that it retains enough of its 'drama' credentials, although it has developed 'soap' overtones (!) in recent years. To my way of thinking, soaps revolve around a set location, including various generations, centered on home life, with consistent swapping and changing of the personel in the houses / pub / shop(s) in which most of the action takes place. 'The Bill' only appears to conform with the first of these criteria - a static location, but otherwise, it possesses none of the remaining ingredients. I think that the more 'in-depth' aspects of the characters' lives is a rounding-out process which is available to the writers thanks to the additional air-time - remember the programme began as a half-hour slot once a week. If you want police action and good plot-lines, switch to Channel 4 and dream of the return of 'NYPD Blue' which Ravenhair and I await with rising anticipation.