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Sky Package Upgrade

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genie123 | 11:33 Wed 27th May 2020 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Hi, I want to upgrade my Sky package to include HD. Having gone one line I find that my basic Sky Entertainment packagage has been updated to Sky Signature and to get HD I have to change to this. I can't quite work out the costing. Has any one changed from one to the other and does it cost any more? I'm not too good with this sort of thing and don't want to end up agreeing for something thats going to cost a lot more. I do apppreciate I will have to pay for HD. Thanks


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Can you not ask Sky for the details ?
Sky Signature is baasically just the new name for the Sky Entertainment package but it comes with the former Sky Box Sets package now added in as standard. It currently costs £25 per month for the first 18 months and £30 per month thereafter. Adding on Sky HD costs a further £6 per month.
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Thanks Buenchico that clears it up for me. I did try calling them but they seem permanently engaged. Lack of staff I expect. Will log on and upgrade.
Ring up and say you want to cancel. They will start offering you discounts. Ask them then how much for an HD package.
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I'm set up now and I did get a little discount as already a customer. Thanks for all advice.
If you sign up for Sky Vip, its free, they are always popping out offers relevant to your subsciption plus chances to win entertainment, sports tickets and some good competition prizes.
genie, I have had 1st hand experience of this today, there is no way to change your package at the moment except by guile. They claim you can do it on the site but when you try it says you have to call, when you call it says you have to be one of the key workers. Here's what I did, I followed the complaints path, once you get to the bit where they let you email, you say all the above then threaten to cancel the DD and move to virgin unless they call you back. They called me back within 30mins. I got the changes I wanted including the new package (which also includes Netflix). This is what I wrote:
//Account Number: N
Viewing Card : N
Hi, I need to make changes to my TV package etc but currently you appear to have no way of doing what I want.
When I phone I am told do what I need on but when I do, it tells me to call 0333 757 3772, and that tells me I'm not a priority.

Can someone call me back within 7 days or I will be forced to cancel my DD and move to Virgin.


TTT (phone number)//

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