People of a certain age will recall the original 1990s series and its romance and marriage of Mariette, played by Catherine Zeta Jones, and Charlie the tax collector played by Philip Franks. In this remake, Charlie will be played by black actor Tok Stephens. How sizeable would the black population and how common mixed race marriages have been in Kent in the 1950s?
I think part of the attraction of a new series is being surprised by the twists & turns of the plot. If it's a re-make and sticks to the same story lines you will know what's coming. (if you saw the original of course)
ok if you say so. I know what it was like being in mixed relationship in the 70's it was most definitely frowned upon - and that was in London.
i recall what my b/f was called in one nasty episode outside a night club by police officers.
Seeing as how the BBC is still getting our billions each year, it's a pity they couldn't produce original programmes instead of remakes of a previous successful series. What's next, remaking 'Only fools and horses'?
Tax inspectors are countrywide, emmie. Just because he is inspecting the tax of affairs of a farm doesn't mean he is a next door neighbour.
Plenty of ports (and sailors) in Kent. Sailors come from far and wide and where there are sailors there are pubs and women, some perhaps 'looser' than others.
I too loved Robert Hardy as Siegfried Farnon but I think Samuel West is making a good fist of it. Not quite as good as the first one but still good. Not fond of the guy playing Tristan in this new version though.