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Who Is Him Later And

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tamaris | 22:00 Sun 11th Apr 2021 | Film, Media & TV
42 Answers
Who is no Davidson related to ?


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Too funny Chris. My sentiments exactly but I'm addicted even if I haven't a clue what's going on. I'm p!eased its the last one tbh
confused? you won't be...after this episode of.....
It was a relative of Jo's, a woman: we paused it and I went up to the screen and turned by head upside down to have a look but I didn't recognise her.
The photo looked a bit like Lisa McQueen from the last series.
Same here foxlee2, but I couldn’t tell if it was jo or someone else!
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Oh no not somebody else from the past I can't remember
but im sure steve said "he"
Buenchico, that would be Line and Length of Duty then?
That's one way of putting a spin on it, Jno ;-)
Like bednobs said, I also think the photo was of Jo, it didn't show who she was related to, just a cliff hanger. Bet there's a lot of rewinding and screen-shotting going on tonight! I also think Steve referred to it being a he.

I'm guessing it isn't going to be one of the more obvious Scottish ones like Tommy Hunter or the police officer, Philip Osborn played the the lovely Mark Bonnar.

I think the photograph Jo has in her apartment may be a clue (or just another red herring), the woman in the photograph looks a bit like the mother of John Corbett, the one Ted supposedly had a bit of a thing with. Could be partly why they have kept his widow in it and, if Ted has links to her (the money and their meet up where Steve spotted them) then he could get implicated if not involved.
Ahh, according to this though, Jo and John Corbett were born in the same year, 1979, a couple of months apart, so not from the same mother.
Is she Ryan's mother?? It was a man's photo.
What doesn't ring true to me (among a few) is how on earth someone as vacant and dim as Buckells could ever have been promoted to Detective Superintendent.
Obviously rolls his trouser leg up to the right length and is adept with the secret handshake:-)
Why did you not just put Line of Duty as your header tamaris? Not all mind readers, not me anyway.
What did you mean by "I'm pleased it's last one tbh"? tamaris. According to a few reports i've read, there will be at least one more series after this.
Sorry I meant Dryden, not Osborn. I hope they wrap the H thing up this series.

It’s brilliant, and I love it, but it’s getting very complicated now with so many people and people etc... from earlier series’. Definitely hope they do more but start afresh.
Managed to get this picture, but it isn't a man.
I didn’t catch who was in the photo but isn’t Jo too obvious - they already have her DNA from the scene?

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