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The Anti-Vax Conspiracy

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Ellipsis | 20:20 Tue 01st Jun 2021 | Film, Media & TV
31 Answers
On Channel 4 right now.

Repeated on +1 at 10PM.

Very interesting watch if you're into science, anti-vax, Andrew Wakefield, etc.

Anybody watching?


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No. I’m Pro vax so why would I?
No, not watching. I am (or was) a scientist, which is why I'm avoiding it!

Experience shows that as soon as something really significant happens in human experience, a conspiracy theory is galloping along right behind it.
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I'm pro-vax too. I watch to try to understand what makes people think that way.
Oh, so another flat-earther....he could do everybody a favour and step of the edge...
I honestly CBA.
It's very interesting how some people find it so easy to put two and two together and get five.
sounds like a retard fest.
// Oh, so another flat-earther..//

wakefield is portrayed as a the big bugaboo

bits I didnt know - he was paid, and his case series was marred and that he had patented a single measles vaccine
"So how does he sleep at night?"

"I'm sure he sleeps extremely well, since he lives in a luxury estate in South Florida - with Elle Macpherson."

Can't argue with that!
just started watching now, what a motley collection of moronic nut jobs.
dunno why Wakefield isn't in the slammer.
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It addresses Covid in the last half an hour. Spends the first hour on MMR.

Wakefield features heavily throughout. Unbelievable that he's still going and that he and so many others are still being taken seriously after all the discrediting he's had ...
He's in the land of the free, where nothing is actually free especially primary health care at source, and he's making money like it's going out of fashion. He's not breaking any local or federal laws, so he continues.
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You can watch online here, if you missed it and want to see it:
we should have slung him in the nick before he went to The US.
o god imprisonment wivvart trial
well its a bit of a muggy night on AB

someone will start howling....

I am grimly sitting froo dis program - if you have anything better to do ( kniting ironing cleaning the dishwasher, combing the dog) then you are better off doing it
gawd I'm up to the bit where parents are giving their kids a bodged up bleach solution, beggars belief, what morons.
yeah the two chemicals she mentioned - - - don't make bleach
or else I misheard

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