Seems now it's compulsory for ads to be all black or mixed. Far too much as the black population is only 2% in the me white and privaldge I don't care
Lol the people's vote with a little help from the BBC no doubt ! I remember the older Banjo bloke saying how the dance divided his family at the time. Far too many complaints for it to possibly win legitimately as far as I'm concerned.
It's threads like this that make me very sad...and angry.
I'd like to think that my the States at least...paved the way for learning to accept many varied viewpoints and lifestyles. But now I am frequently shocked by the level of prejudice and bigotry sometimes displayed...not just by those in my age group, but also many who are younger. And it's not confined to race obviously...its near about everything.
I try to imagine what it's like to feel so much anger.
Pasta, I’m surprised by how many people apparently lack the wit to use their remote controls. Would save an awful lot of people from having a fit of the vapours at something they find so offensive.
Yes Pasta I agree. Sometimes reading some posts on AB is like reading the Minutes of Britain First. I don't agree its not an age thing though. Like I said ,I don't know anyone under the age of 40 who even thinks about 'colour'. What the hell does it matter to anyone if a Black group win an award - or a black women adveretises life insurance on the TV ?
Some people either have nothing else to do in thier lives or a seriously prejudice.