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Barsel | 12:00 Fri 30th Jul 2021 | Film, Media & TV
32 Answers
about No More X Factor, I was wondering if you had a particular favourite (any type of act) that you really loved either on X Factor or Britain's Got Talent or any other talent show?


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Never watched one. Oh! I used to watch Opportunity Knocks and the memorable acts for me was Mule Train tin tray man and the muscle man performing to Wheels. Wouldn't pay to see either of them, though
Not so much an act, but I remember Rylan crying & carrying on when he got the boot. Pathetic.
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barry, I remember him, and the man who flexed his muscles to music.
I'm not a regular watcher, but I have to say Susan Boyle's first appearance was impressive - if only for the reaction of the audience and judges.
I first saw Susan Boyle on a Michael Barrymore show, possibly 'My Kind of People'.
It was that that made me think Barrymore is a loathsome oik.
Paul Potts
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brainiac that's the one. Can't remember the name of the tune.
X factor all pretty disposable for me although some were quite good back in the day.
BGT I always liked Diversity when they started and that young fellow (can't remember his name) solo danced to a version of Singin' in rain. A few I've found hilarious but not meant to be.
Barsel - I mentioned the tune in my earlier post - Wheels

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Sorry barry, so you did.
Yes that the fella Thanks Mamya Xx
I remember catching this one Saturday evening (sung live!) and being very impressed (song starts at 1:39 if you want to skip all the guff) ...

/// I used to watch Opportunity Knocks ///

So did I - but there weren't any arrogant self-styled judges IIRC - just audience reaction via the Clapometer and home audience voting.
and who could forget this talented young man

I liked Diversity and George Sampson too.

Tom Holland did a brilliant performance of a Singing In The Rain and Umbrella mash up on Lip Sync Battle :o)
I seen ‘Piff the magic dragon’ on American talent thing, he was very entertaining. Think the guy was british, well worth a look
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I remember seeing a girl called Sarah ikuma who was 15yrs of age at the time possibly on X factor who sang And I Am Telling You which if my memory serves me right was sung by Jennifer Hudson from The Dream Girls film.
I've never seen such a reaction from the audience who were up on their feet applauding when she hadn't even finished singing and yet I don't think she won it and I've never heard of other songs from her.

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