I was always in two minds about Parkinson - I hated his 'professional Yorkshireman' shtick, and thought he was incredibly rude to a young Helen Mirren, who gave as good as she got.
But i always admired his technique which seems to have eluded almost all his sucessors - in that he never tried to upstage his guests or score pointless jibes off them.
He did what an interviewer should do, but many don't - he asked a question and then listened in silence while it was answered.
The opposite of the dreadful Clive Anderson who clearly cannot wait for his guests to stop talking so he can start again - and he always telegraphs his utter disinterest in whatever is being said to him with his stacato - and ignorant 'Yeah ... yeah.. yeah...' interuptions, the unspoken message being - ' You are talking, but people only really want to hear me .....'
Delusion at its best.