Live At The Apollo...... in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Live At The Apollo......

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ToraToraTora | 17:43 Thu 16th Dec 2021 | Film, Media & TV
31 Answers
Been watching the latest series, I like to see what stand up is coming through etc. One thing that I notice is that must the comedians with a particular trait only do jokes about that trait? the blind bloke does blind jokes, the lesbians only do gay jokes, the black bloke only does black jokes etc I'm looking for them to stand out and they just do the predictable old stuff.
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trait might be the wrong word but I couldn't think of a better one!
i get what you mean TTT. I think there is probably some self-preservation in there. I make jokes about my wheelchair and my rubbish hands and my terrible at mathsness to other people so they don't have to make them at my expense
Jo Brand has made a good living from fat bird jokes
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you're right barry, the fat bloke did fat bloke jokes to!
They do.... I think bednobs has a point, but anything that predictable isn't going to be funny. Humour is in surprise.
I think being PC has to do with as well, so no-one can actually go finger pointing and claim that they're being this that and the other.

Personally I prefer the older repeated ones.
Sarah Millican was surprisingly refreshing when she first started but now her routines all have the same elements
Her Muff.
‘‘Twas ever thus.

If Lenny Henry never told me he was black, I would never have known! As a comic he was a one trick pony (although I think he’s a bloody good actor - but as a comic, he was rubbish).
Lenny was great on Tiswas, I liked his impressions but of course I was much younger back then.
Aye, I remember it was like being in the room with David Bellamy.

... and not forgetting Sir Trevor.
Gwapple me gwape nuts
How many sighted comedians tell blind-based jokes?
Corby, Jasper Carrott used to do a gag about a blind parachutist……
If a comedian has 'something about them', then making jokes against themselves is a well of material that others cannot draw from in that direct self-deprecating way.

In theory, it puts the audience on the comedian's side with very little effort, so why not make the most of it.
I suspect, because it's too old-fashioned and doesn't work any more. Nobody is shocked or surprised by it.
Do comedians not often base their material upon their own experiences?

That explains, "the blind bloke [telling] blind jokes" for example in contrast to Jasper Carrot telling A joke about a blind parachutist.
Lost Voice Guy's been a bit quiet of late.
I didn't know he had gone missing.

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