But I can’t take my eyes of the fella signing for Boris’s briefing currently being shown, he looks in pain :0(
When he’s saying about the injection, he winces :0(
MrG asked me why we pulled faces when signing. There really is a good reason for it, Bobbi. It's exactly like you using your voice to give expression and correct meaning to what you are saying.
And because a deaf person is reading your hands facial expressions have to be a bit exaggerated to be seen in the peripheral vision.
Maybe he's wincing at what Johnson is saying. I always find it amusing imagining what signers are really signing when they do their stuff. I've never seen Johnsion with a signer; I thought it was only the civilised bits of the UK which bothered to think about helping others.
Some of us do express more than others all the time, Bobbi. Some depending on the situation. How far up my eyebrows went and how much my eyes rolled would depend on how long winded the head was being during assembly.... ;-)
I often imagine they are making 'vomit' faces, or drawing their hand like a knife across their throat. I'm surprised that I haven't seen a comic sketch on that subject.
I worked for many years in a hearing unit attached to a school Bobbi. When the children joined the classes for lessons and assembly I would do the signing.
A visitor doing an assembly would always be asked to speak slowly but they'd forget. Some mornings all the signers would end up looking like demented windmills trying to keep up.
// I'm surprised that I haven't seen a comic sketch on that subject.//
hmm not very PC - you cd do one on the monty python hungarian translation sketch ( " the phrase can I have a hamburger please is translated as " can I fondle your bum" )
There is one on You tube - something like " and the Brexiters deny that £350m a week cd go to the NHS" and the signer throws her eyes to the ceiling....
There is an ad for CRUC ( ca research) where the signer signs " and the cancer in your chest is much smaller "- signs of joy and gasps and grunts
and the consultant onc has a look of "WHAT am I doing in this zoo"