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what were your fav sweets as kids

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loopyc | 18:16 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Film, Media & TV
44 Answers
spangels and pacers were my fav!


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without doubt TEXAN - takes time to chew !

I used to like those Postman Pat lil chews (the same size as the black jacks) only, they were cola flavour.

My bf's fave sweets were Jolly Ranchers. Can you still get them?

The mighty Cabana. Coconut - Mmmmmm
Oh and Bazooka Joes! (Never really liked the taste, but everything else about them was just Soooo cool!!)
Chocolate Cups, Chelsea Whoppers, Soor Plooms Rhubarb & Custard, Flying Saucers, Aniseed Balls, Pear Drops and Cola Cubes were the best by far......
They still make "raspberry ruffles" don't they? This is a good question, I loved Spangles and Pacers. Also Space Dust. Raspberry Ruffles. Astro Belts. "Hot" (Cinnamon) Gobstoppers. Refreshers. Jelly Babies (still have a thing for those). Wine Gums. Sherbert Lemons (only Trebor though). And I HATED those herbal things!!!!
Sticky Lice

spangles - yes - but only the mustard coloured ones!!

aniseed twists, granny's herbal tablets, sherbert lemons, the proper big ones that splintered and ripped your mouth to shreds (mmm...was that just me? lol), supa bazooka bubblegum with the cartoon on the inside wax wrapper.

What were those pink/white striped boiled sweets that looked like little twisted pillows and they has a really unusual taste (sarspirella maybe?)

We were so poor we made our own sherbert, we bought icing sugar and then popped into the chemist for a box of citric acid powder!!!! honest!!!

Funny how we used to be happy chewing on a liquorice twig, you try giving a kid one of those these days!!! It probably would be in breach of some health and safety regulation and would have to be foil wrapped!!!

I like this thread, just wish i knew what a Texan bar was.....


Can you still get spangles? My favorites, pear drops strawberry bonbons and sherbert thats what I spent my threepence pocket money on. Whats a nux?
I'm with lots of other people - texan bars. would buy a shedload, but the post-Christmas diet looms!
Who remembers Banjo's ..they changed name to Trophy's you could get nut ones or toasted coconut mmm and I loved Nutty's too and tooty frooties

wham bars

Where do i start? spangles, red tictacs, strawberry sherberts,foam teeth, cola bottles, drumsticks,fruit salads, spearmint chewits, floral gums, candy lipsticks,goldrush gum, bazzooka joes, strawberry areo,the little 10p golden cups,sherbert pips,pacers, kojak lollies, candy shells, aniseed balls, gobstoppers, god i could go on and on, its a wonder i have all my teeth!!
bluebird toffee bars for one old penny in our school tuck shop
Sweet peanuts...Mmmmmm!!!!!
gotta be chelsea whoppers
sherbert dabs with liquerice sticks yummy yummy
I never heard of any of these candies before...I think I was deprived. Are these candies you can find in the UK???

Acid drops - Wow! Can feel my teeth rotting just thinking about them.

Loved Mars Bars as well but it was funny how they always cost 1p more than my weekly pocket money.

yep, Texan Bars did it for me, along with sweet tobacco, shedded brown stuff, prawns, chewitts, fruit salads, chocolate bananas Hmmmm.....

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