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Enjoying Roxy Music...

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MissTerious | 22:35 Sat 03rd Sep 2022 | Film, Media & TV
32 Answers
On Beeb 2, particularly Brian Ferry!


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Damn, meant to record it!!

I think Bryan Ferry is one of the coolest people who ever lived, from his early Roxy days to now.

Is his current drummer a mixed-race lady with lots of hair?

She's a friend of mine.
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He is also one of the sexiest ! Always loved Roxy music! Saw Brian live in Thetford Forest a few years back. Amazing!
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Your lady drummer friend is playing now but I don't know what year that was. Quite a recent BBC session I would think.
I would think so, she played with BF for a while.

She's the Drummer in Simple Minds now.
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You should be watching. He's on until 12.30am
I saw them at the O2 a few years back. Perched on the South Face so you saw more of his bald patch than his face, but I enjoyed it.
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Sorry 1.00 am
Has BF got a bald patch ?
Looked like it, Bazile. Or perhaps it was just a small bald wig.
Bryan Ferry is the most awkward stage performer - looks constipated and like he'd rather be anywhere else. Written some great songs, though.
You are a one :-)
There were 3 programmes.
On BBC2 10.10pm - 11.10pm Roxy Music and Bryan ferry at the BBC.


Midnight to 1am Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music A Musical History.

Bought tickets to a Roxy Music concert back in the early eighties.
Best money I've ever spent.
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A good night's viewing Barsel. I watched all three.
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I disagree Goodgoalie. Like Andy, I like his indivual and very good style. And he's so verv cool and, I repeat, sexy!! ;0)
goodgoalie - // Bryan Ferry is the most awkward stage performer - looks constipated and like he'd rather be anywhere else.//

I can't agree - it's his particular style.

If you look at the early Roxy on Whistle Test, Ferry has his hair really long and greased, full make-up, they look like something from another planet.

Ferry is unique, no-one else moves or looks like him, and you don't get to be as inventive and enjoy such longevity, by looking like you'd rather me somewhere else.
regular performers on OGWT.....

Miss T - do you know that he and his sons are keen fox hunters and protested when labour tried to ban fox hunting ? (I say 'tried' because they left a loophole which the vile hunters exploit to this day).

For this reason alone, can't stand him ...
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Oh dear Shirley. Ill try and forget that. I wonder now how Chrissie Hynde coped with that when they were in a relationship. she's a commited vegetarian and animal lover and makes sure everybody knows!! Actually I love the Pretenders and her voice, but cant stand her after her preaching at a local concert and her rudeness.

burlyshirley - // Miss T - do you know that he and his sons are keen fox hunters and protested when labour tried to ban fox hunting ? (I say 'tried' because they left a loophole which the vile hunters exploit to this day).

For this reason alone, can't stand him ... //

Mr Ferry's sons are indeed ardent hunting supporters, but i think it is unfair to lay the responsibility for their attitudes at his door.

Parents cannot and should not be held responsible for the attitudes and behaviours of their adult children, over whom they have no direct influence or control.

Mr Ferry received a hostile reaction at the Q Magazine Awards when he received a Lifetime Achievement Award.

During his speech, Mr Ferry praised his 'brave son' Otis who was one of eight hunt supporters who had stormed the House Of Commons to protest the Hunting Ban Bill which was going through Parliament.

That may simply be Mr Ferry supporting his son, as we may all do, but that does not indicate tacit support for his son' views, merely support of his willingness to stand up for them.

Mr Ferry has never publicly been linked to the support of hunting.

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