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Corrie Storyline

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Bobbisox1 | 09:52 Tue 25th Oct 2022 | Film, Media & TV
24 Answers
Ridiculous to a fault,Wooden Nick kills someone ,sticks him in a skip, the binmen come along and crush him just for good measure then Nick carry’s on his stupidity by using Leo’s phone to take pictures before smashing it up and that phoney Canadian accent is as bad as acting,the public should be invited to write some storylines , !!!


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Stephen not Nick but . . .yes I agree
Corrie is turning into East Enders. Haven’t watched it for about 15 years. Same with Emmerdale.
Gave up watching Corrie a long time ago - rubbish now. Do sometimes watch the old Classic Coronation Street - good acting, good storylines and lots of laughs.
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Oops Stephen, thanks for that bobbin :0)))
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We love Classic Corrie, we record them to watch when there’s not much else on, the acting and the storylines then were much better, people like Jack & Vera who worked well as a team
Love Hilda Ogden singing, those were the days …
I'm not sure that Leo was crushed in the skip, didn't Stephen put him in the van and move him elsewhere? But agree, it's a daft storyline
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Oh did he Ellie, I must have gone for a coffee then ;0)

Arh yes, dear Hilda

Todd Boyce his Canadian accent does sound false even though he is an American actor born in Ohio 1961
You are right Ellie. He got him out of the bin and put him in the Underworld van then we didn't see it but he must have taken him and buried him somewhere because they remarked on his filthy fingernails in the pub and he said he had been gardening at Gail's.
Two other comments about Stephen (who I can't stand!!). Surely Leo's dad would have smacked him by now for interfering every two minutes and, secondly, where is he getting his money from? His card was refused ages since and as he only had £20 left he could not afford the tie when he bought the suit in the charity shop. He couldn't afford a hot pot last week and, now, he keeps buying drinks and even telling Daisy to keep the change!!! OK, it's not real but you'd think the script writers would invent some plausible rubbish!!!
Rant over!!!
What about that terrible wallpaper in Billy's flat! Every time I see it I cringe!
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Ohh I’ll need to look tomorrow night Ellie but it can’t be any worse than that drab stuff in Ken’s
i cringe every time i see withering holier than thou billy
It wasn't Stephen that told Daisy to keep the change last night, it was Adam when he bought a pint of Zero (I think!)
He also told Daisy to keep the change when he went in and bought a whisky Barry unless I am getting dementia er who is Stephen?
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Audrey’s Canadian son Kustard
Stephen got on my nerves last night. Popping up everywhere!! I kept swearing at the tv, *** off Stephen!!!!!
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Haha, I hope he did Sharon
That WAS a joke Bobbisox as I had just told Barry I might be getting dementia!!!!
it really annoyed me the way they handled the diabetes story ,both my grandchildren have type 1 and it was ridiculous how summer coped or rather didn't cope .

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