Bazile - If you think Paul McCartney has an 'average' voice, play 'Yesterday', then 'Back In USSR' then 'Why Don't We Do It The Road' followed by 'I Will' which are next to each other, surely not coincidence, on The White Album' and you will hear that Mr McCartney voice is many things, but 'average' is not one of them.
I adored Cliff Richard when he first came on the scene but then, along came Elvis and to me, there was no comparison. Although I still liked Cliff for a long time, the thing that put me off him was when I felt he was quite big-headed, always bragging about how many hits he'd had and I also think he became quite snobby.
Although I don't mind listening to some of his records, I don't think I would go out of my way watching him perform these days just as I cannot watch how Elvis looked in the last year of his life.
Paul and Cliff were imo both good-looking men when they were younger and they both cut good records.
They probably still have loyal fans that still adore them and always will.
Unfortunately, I'm now of the opinion that most entertainers are past it when they reach a certain age.
The only person I can think of who I still think can sing and who still looks good, is Tom Jones.
In fact I think he has improved with age.
"'Yesterday', then 'Back In USSR' then 'Why Don't We Do It The Road' followed by 'I Will' which are next to each other, surely not coincidence, on The White Album'"
No they aren't! Yesterday isn't even on The Beatles, aka The White Album. Do you just make this stuff up?
McCartney wrote some of the best songs ever, has an amazing voice
everybody knows a beatles song, as for cliff erm very forgettable.
pauls voice did not end with the beatles either, love lots of his wings
era tunes as well, band on the run..classic.
My aunt is a massive fan of Cliff ( since he arrived on the pop scene ), she has seen him many times, his stuff doesn't float my boat though. I went off McCartney when he released Mull of kintyre.
redhelen: I think he has paid a lot of money to cover up some dark secrets " - what secrets? do you have evidence? or are you just like the media and plod that raided an innocent man's house with zero evidence? Let's hear what you have shall we?
Cliff was called the "British Elvis" by the sort of morons that I hope AH hates as a music journo. He was nothing like Elvis but he had mass appeal and is a much loved institution. Probably too Tory for left wing thugs thus the comments from RH et al. I'm not a huge fan of his music but I am a huge fan of the man and his classic Britishness so, antis, put up your evidence or ***.