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smurfchops | 09:27 Fri 12th May 2023 | Film, Media & TV
82 Answers
Is it just me or is this programme full of weirdos?


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Just listened to the first bit of the Swedish starts with Abba 'Winner takes it all'

Trying to remember what other song is in there.
The other one is Katy Perrys Firework roy
Croatia just sounded like macarena to me.
Israel also sounded like Firework imo
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Wasn't the best night of TV glad I missed most of it. 1ozzy, on different subject but were your parents £10 poms as we were. There is a program starting tonight about them so will be looking at it to see if it is anything like when we were there.
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Agreed Ozz had a peep in at the results and then went back to hear the winner and OMG.
1965 was our invasion date and I will be watching. Our hostel didn't look like the one they show in the clips for it but will check it out.
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I almost took up that £10 thing. I was very adventurous in my younger days. Decided against it.
// Is it just me or is this programme full of weirdos?//

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I didn't even watch it because I knew how dire it was going to be!!
I think it was travelling to Oz and the 5 weeks on a ship coming back that gave me my love of travel.
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Yes know what you mean and sorry for doing it but haven't seen you on here for a while so thought I would mention it as I don't come on so often. Chat after it's been on.
I watched a it of the semi final. That was enough. Like a gay pride carnival with dreadful so called songs. I have absolutly no problem with gays. I do have a problem with gay pride type gays who love the limelight.
25th out of 26 so not a total disaster and well worth all the hype.
it's just awful seeing all these young people enjoying themselves on TV. I shall stick to the black and white films on Talking Pictures, as all oldies should.
I love the comments here!

Like a trip back to the 50s
I should emphasise that I have no trouble with gays: but they should damn well stay out of sight :-)
if there are any in my street, my sniffer dogs will soon find them, ichkeria

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