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gulliver1 | 09:04 Tue 03rd Oct 2023 | Film, Media & TV
49 Answers

Channel 4.. 9.30 tonight.



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Good golly gully your are taking a bashing again this morning, hope you can take it on the chin me old china, but give us a bell if you need running to A&E to be patched up to fight another day. 10 out of 10 for spicing up the news. And yes cant wait to watch it. :0)))
10:53 Tue 03rd Oct 2023

will they be taking your fingerprints on entry like they did in the EU gulliver?

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Suppose It's a bit under the belt really for channel 4 to screen this programme , whilst the Cons are fighting for survival with their Tory Party Conference ...which doesn't seem to be going down very well. There are so many anti Tory demonstrations going in Manchester at the moment.Not a safe place if you are wearing a blue rossette.Oh well.

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Hello, everyone  of you dyed in the wool Blues. Good evening. Quite a good turnout  here at the overseas Labour Overseas Club to watch The Con Partygate Film, starring Boris Johnson Ex PM and a full supporting cast of lying Tory MPs.

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Are you watching this film Naomi ,Bobbisox and TTT.

It's brilliant. 

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This film deserves an Oscar. One rule for them and stuff Joe Public.

Matt did stuff em, in a hole in the ground.

I assumed this was a documentary but reading a review this morning I now know it was a fictionaised drama.  Given that there's clearly a bit of critical picking required, but top marks to the ever unbiased Channel 4 for screening it to coincide with the opening of the Conservative Party conference.  No agenda there then.

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Naomi .08.25  So you did watch it after all .I knew you would....... Brilliant wasn't it .

No, gulliver.  I didn't watch it.  As I said, I read a review this morning.

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