Big Brother Returns in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Big Brother Returns

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naomi24 | 12:39 Mon 09th Oct 2023 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers

//2.5 million watch as ITV launch show divides opinion//


Did you watch - and will you watch on?

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"Big Brother returns".


Not on my telly, it doesn't😐

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I read that as 'Not on my nelly', Ken.  That'll apply too then.  ;o)

No it had its place 20 years ago as a 'social experiment' now its just a 'get famous quick' program.

We watched the first 2 season and thoroughly enjoyed it as it truly was a 'social experiment'

Both will suffice, Naomi. My mother used to watch it into the early hours of the morning - even when it was just showing an empty garden or a roomful of sleepers. I haven't a clue what she was hoping to see.

Nope load of she ite, can't stand "reality" TV. I did watch the first one when the idea was new before it went completely radio rental.

I have never watched it and never will.

I agree with Red. I did watch some of the first series but once future contestants knew what to expect, they stopped being themselves. The same applies to Gogglebox, imho.

Nope, I wont be watching it.  Saw snippets of the old one when the kids watched it but not my cup of tea.

As RH has said, 20 years ago it had its place but now?

Question Author

I like gogglebox, Ken.  Not only does it make me laugh, it leads me to seek out some good programmes at times - most recently 'Fall', and Love and Death the latest.

There'll just be the usual batch of assorted weirdos and attention seekers on it!

Any box tickers?

No and no

Just looked at the list, can't see an obvious TGer.

Like others, I watched in the early days. It was all very unpredictable and off the wall then. But it quickly lost its appeal...getting repetitive. So it's a no from me.

I still enjoy goggle box. Like Naomi, it leads me to search out new programmes. Most of the participants are likeable enough.

Feel the same about the Jungle too and mostreality shows.  But I do like Gogglebox and first Dates which are more natural.

Big Brother Returns.    I wish he'd go away again!

Didn't watch it first time around, then it got scrapped and should have stayed that way.

Here's a few comments from some of the 'Housemates' - as if i needed any more reasons not to watch.

Jordan, 25, Scunthorpe; "I don't really like the idea of living with people, but i thought i might as well give it a try."

Dylan, 39, Coventry;  "I've had so many people over the years say to me that i should be a (sic) reality tv show because i'm a character."

Farida, 50, Wolverhampton;  "I want to let people know that us Muslims, we really aren't suppressed. I'm far from suppressed - i used to be a holiday rep."

And here's the clincher from Trish, 33, Luton:  "When i saw it was coming back, i thought it was the universe telling me something."


This is an old IT term, meaning that if you feed rubbish data into a program, then you can only expect rubbish as a resulting output.

i.e. Garbage In, Garbage Out.

It sums up Big Brother very nicely I feel.

No and No.

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