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The One Show … Oh Cliff!

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smurfchops | 18:11 Fri 27th Oct 2023 | Film, Media & TV
55 Answers

What in earth is he wearing?  Perlease .....



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I don't watch the one show so I didn't see Cliff last night. I've been a fan of his since around the time he started out, "The Young Ones" is the first record I bought. I've seen him live many times and enjoyed his shows, which he does all himself, unless the Shads are with him. We'll agree to differ. ( He doesn't insist on being called Sir Cliff)

Oh my goodness.  He looks much older than any 83 year old I know or any celebrities in that age group. As for the outfit..........  but he has loads of fans and they love him.  Good job we can all agree to differ Roo.

//He looks much older than any 83 year old I know or any celebrities in that age group. //


I don't agree with that.

Neil Diamond, Tom Jones, David Attenborough  (97!)etc etc etc and Nobody amongst our friends and family looked that old and wrinkled up at that age.  

It's perhaps because he is so thin his hair accentuates his old face.

Ah well, the epitomes of haute couture have spoken so he'd better pull his socks up!


Don't the fashionistas wear loafers without socks?


I think he looks just fine and he is in better health than some his age and younger. 

Plump faces look better as you get older.  I look at least 15 years older but I'm not having a face lift

To me he looks like a rather under nourished elderly gentleman who is trying too hard to look younger, or up to date. His hair does him no favours...anybody who thinks that's his natural colour is severely deluded. 

The outfit would be ok...if it fit.

My 87 year old brother looks somewhat spite of health problems. He can't sing though...πŸ˜‰πŸ˜„

What is wrong with men colouring their hair?  I don't but it's personal choice.  

I agree,he didn't look comfotrable in it.Who was dressing him on that night,they need sacking!

There's nothing wrong with anyone colouring their hair. But it either needs to be full on or purpleπŸ˜‰...or a bit more natural to fit the person's age.

That's just my feeling about it.

Grey or white then. ^

Yes people with  Plumper faces in general look younger in old age. 


Maggie, believe me I'm no fashionista, especially when it comes to men.  I go for intensively casual !

Never a fan, but come on he's 83. 


He's a bit creepy, a bit crêpey

I'll be there in just a few years Anne but doubt I'll make it!!  Whatever age he is I've always found him weird.  But then I like wrinkly Mr Jagger!!

Now he (Jagger) is a crepey creep who can't sing, always sounds flat, just my opinion of course πŸ˜‰

Jagger hasnt a good singing voice as such but has a voice that is right for Stones r & b music but the whole group has musicality and have written brilliant stuff.  True musicians.  Cliff to me is more like the average wedding singer.  I don't think he has any particular talent.  I suppose he was an idol for teens who remained fans.  Back then it seemed that we were either Cliff or Adam fans.  Poor Adam died fairly young.

Adam Faith was 62 when he died in 2003 apparently I thought he was much younger 

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