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Britains Got Talent

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smurfchops | 16:14 Sun 14th Apr 2024 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers

Starts next Saturday.  If it wasn't for Ant, Dec, Amanda and Alesha...... I might watch it.  



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I used to record it so I could whizz past the adverts etc but I don't even do that anymore as I'm always disappointed with the act that wins.

Does that mean Cowell isn't on it anymore, becaise he's definitely another obstacle in me watching the show.

I could stare at Aleishsa Dixon all day, and I will skip past anything with children or dogs.

Love Ant and Dec - which is more than I can say for the rest.

I went right off Alesha Dixon when she wore a Black Lives Matter symbol.  That brought a sour taste to the show.  Politics has no place in family entertainment.

Has David Walliams been replaced on the show?

I never really took to him.

Britain's Got Talent. Judges Simon Cowell, Bruno Tonioli, Alesha Dixon and Amanda Holden are set to return for series 17 of Britain's Got Talent along with hosts Ant and Dec.

Thank you, Barsel!

You're very welcome.

It will be better without David Walliams and his creepy gay schtick, he makes my skin crawl.

I've never watched it. Way too many singers in the clips that I've been exposed to.

How is it still going?

The earlier rounds are the best, some folk actually believe what they're presenting is an actual talent. One tries not to live in the land of scoff but some are so P*** funny.

I'll watch it if Amanda wears that dress again

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Getting very Woke, not enough funny people on any more who think they have talent.  And too many screaming 'singers'.

Hopkirk - // 

I'll watch it if Amanda wears that dress again //

Gizz a job ... I can do that ...

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Britains Got Talent

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