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The Radfords 22 Kids

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smurfchops | 20:22 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

Their children seem to have everything they could wish for, all get on well and no swearing!  They are also thinking of buying a new big house... I wonder how much C5 and other channels, pay them?  Just being nosey ...



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A house they were buying fell through recently. It was costing £850k

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Yes I saw that.  Considering they have so many (polite) children, and he only has one job,they seem to have a few quid...

I read earlier that the bakery company and the 'family media company' are both very successful, but I didn't look for details.

I'm surprised she can sit down or walk without wincing.

A couple down the street from me have had loads of kids (double figures I think but probably not 22). They were knocking them out at 1 a year until quite recently. The woman is still slim & attractive looking.

Their book is worth a read.

It's all a set up. They probably don't exist. They're all just actors.

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Dad speeding in his Porsche...  didn't attend Court...  he was in Ibiza!  Think this programme is making him a bit of a Diva...  they must be coining it in...

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The Radfords 22 Kids

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