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naomi24 | 15:47 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers

Who watches - and who do you like/not like?  



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I doubt there is anyone watching who likes everyone on there Hopkirk.  When someone is on I don't like I pour another drink, or make a sandwich, or nip to the loo or let the dog out into my garden for a sniff and a pee.

Have never watched it 👁

ladybirder, I can just imagine your poor dog's evening, "Oh no, it's them again, good job I didn't use up all my pee last time" LOL.


I haven't watched for a while but my favourites were the Sidiquis (sorry  for spelling). Is the dad still around I hadn't seem him for a while? 

Yes I watch it regularly. I also watch the old series episodes on Netflix, as there are no advertisements.


Canary that's probably the case if there isn't a fox in the garden. If there is he's hurling himself at the patio door.

I used to like the old couple who were on years ago, her name was June, can't remember his. Sadly both departed now.

We watched it for a while but it became too 'samey'. I couldn't stand the totally contrived Cotswold couple. Completely phoney. I liked the siddiqis - they were educated, articulate and funny. I doubt that I will watch it again.

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