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Classic British War Films.....

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ToraToraTora | 14:29 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
50 Answers

Just watched 633 squadron, again, not my favourite but certainly up there as a classic. What's you favourite British WW2 film?



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sandyRoe George Chakiris was in 633 Squadon

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do you have an IMDB link bazile?

The Colditz Story was one of my favourites, stellar cast. I remember watching it with my Dad 

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bazile, do you mean "they who dare" ?



...and The Wooden Horse the story of the escape from Stalag Luft 111

TWAU, Bazille was correcting the Where Eagles Date typo.


See my post of 1550

Correction of 'date'

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ah I see! It did make me remember "They who dare" though!

A Matter of Life and Death

Goodnight Mr. Tom.

Loved The Longest Day, A Bridge Too Far and A Town Like Alice.

Went The Day Well?

One Of Our Aircraft Is Missing.

The Cruel Sea.

my favourites are russian war films but for the british ones i would say 

battle of britain for the music 

a bridge too far because for the visuals 

tunes of glory for the writing and the performances

bridge over river kwai for everything

The Hill.

Snorkers, good-oh. 🙂

To add a personal insight to A Bridge Too Far Cornelius Ryan was fighting his own battle against prostate cancer while writing it. His wife Kathleen wrote A Private Battle documenting this. They were neighbour and friends when I lived in Ridgefield Ct.

633 Squadron had the Crossroads chef Shuey Mcfee in it.

This is a tough one.  I always loved The Great Escape as I child but now find it staged and not as great as I recalled!  Probably either The Railway Man or Bridge over the River Kwai. (One of my best friends in life, Jim, was a POW of the japs and survived working on the Burma railway).

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