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Nightsleeper - Bbc Iplayer Or Sunday Nights 9Pm

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Ken4155 | 11:25 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

Watched 2 and a half episodes, last night - had to be up early for a doc's appointment but was still reluctant to stop watching halfway through episode 3.

Totally implausible, but really good fun and sometimes edge of the seat stuff. Give it a whirl.



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We'd been watching Grace, watched 10 mins of the nightsleeper, then the dogs came pestering to go out for their last pee of the night. Try some more tonight.

If the train carries on with no engineering works or breakdowns then they're stretching credulity.

I say this as a passenger who boarded at Wigan last week and got as far as Preston before being ousted and told to wait an hour for the next direct train to Edinburgh.
The Glasgow train was the same.

Anyway, enjoy your programme.

I'm recording it, we'll watch it when we've recorded every episode 

I liked it! Very edgy and yes implausible but good acting.

Didn't believe a second of it.  How far do the programme makers think Motherwell is from Glasgow Central ?

I'm watching it and although a bit far fetched I'm enjoying it. Also like the fact that it has managed to sneak in the odd bit of humour in what is meant to be a drama. (Loved the comment from one of the top guys about getting a solution quickly  and he said we're not Deliveroo!)lol! 

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