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R N L I - They've Got A Cheek...

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ToraToraTora | 22:10 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
80 Answers

Just seen their ad asking for money to be left in wills. Well I used to give money to this shower. Now they are are the main importers of illegal immigrants. They go out to find them and ferry them back. They'll get sweet FA from me.

Don't get me started on the border farce......



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These illegal migrants know they will be "rescued" by the RNLI as soon as they set off and reach British waters. They are wating there to pick them up. The sooner the RNLI stop doing this and leave them floundering the better.  It might act as a deterrent. 
06:04 Thu 19th Sep 2024

the kids should not  have there . blame the parents

Blaming the parents and having empathy for dead kids are two different things, you fail miserably in the latter. The fact you'd rather people die than become "a burden on us", hints that you'd rather see a dead immigrant kid than a live one.

If an inexperienced yachter went out to the English coast with his or her wee ones on board, knowing poor weather conditions were expected and the yacht began to sink, should the RNLI refuse to assist and let them all drown as a deterrent?

 you'd rather see a dead immigrant kid than a live one.   you missed out the word illegal

I've read that it's impossible for eyeballs to pop out of the human head unassisted.

Reading some of the above I'm having doubts.

my eyes pop out when i see in the news a dinghy full of young man llanding on our coast

13:24. A child is a child.


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sandyRoe: "A question for those criticising the RNLI.

Would you rather see the boat people drown than be rescued?" - Once again deliberately ignoring the point. I am not talking about rescuing I am talking about going out to pick up those in boats that are not in need of rescue.

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I do not wish drowing on anyone but 100% of them are leaving a safe country to endanger themselves in one of the worlds most dangerous stretches of water.

What evidence do you have that they are in no danger of drowning ?

The flimsy, overladen, boats would be dangerous even if the channel was as flat as a mill pond.

Being in patrol looking to help if lives are in danger is a commendable action.

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hardly any of the boats actually reach the UK. They get picked up by the RNLI and the Border farce. If they did not, once word got round those attempting it would reduce dramatically very quickly.

"I am talking about going out to pick up those in boats that are not in need of rescue."

How often has that happened?

I guess the point is that currently there is no deterrent whatsoever to all the illegal immigrants coming to the UK.

It could rationally be argued that all the people in those boats are in need of rescue simply because the boats are overcrowded, unseaworthy, and simply not fit for purpose.  However, that is very likely to encourage more to pay their money and climb aboard rather than deter so for this country it's a double edged sword really because their presence here creates an enormous problem - and the more coming the bigger the problem.   The answer is for the lifeboats to pick them up and return them to France.  Easy to say - not so easy to do it seems.

Indeed Naomi. I feel that the French would show themselves to be rather better at stopping them arrive than they are at stopping them leaving.

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The annoying thing is that if France agreed that we can send them straught back then they wouldn't even bother going to France. Problems solved for us both.

The RNLI TV appeals never seem to show them bringing immigrants ashore even though it probably accounts for most of their launches currently. Funny that.🙄

davebro3.  I agree, and it has been said that they are asking for money to       finance their 'taxi service' which can't be right.

//// it probably accounts for most of their launches currently.////

Nowhere near, but don't let facts interfere with your prejudices.

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